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Manufacturing articles

Jan 26, 2024


Optimizing the Design and Development of Product Success

Ever wonder how your favorite products go from just a twinkle in someone’s eye to the thing you can’t live without? That journey is all about the design and development of the product. Picture an artist with a blank canvas, or a writer staring at an empty page. That’s where it starts – nothing but potential.

Design and Development

Jan 24, 2024


How to Make Product Development a Startup Triumph

Ever tried baking a cake without knowing the recipe? That’s what it feels like when you’re trying to figure out how to make a product, but aren’t sure where to start. In this article, we’ll dissect each step of the process from understanding product development planning through market analysis and idea generation, right down to marketing strategy and launching your product online. Hang in there; as you read on, you’ll definitely gain more than just a bit of knowledge!

Physical Products - Design Match

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